Men’s shoes

Cristian Copponi shoe factory is located in the heart of the Marche region and, more precisely, in the footwear and leather district of the provinces of Fermo and Macerata, home to famous shoe brands that represent the Italian Style in the world and where luxury footwear brands choose to produce their iconic products.

We are manufacturers of men’s shoes and footwear through a completely made in Italy handmade production cycle.

handcrafted production of men’s shoes 100% Made in Italy

The production of footwear combines processing and materials for uppers, soles and Fussbett insoles in natural materials such as leather, with synthetic materials or alternatives e.g. rubber, TR, PVC, TPU and EVA for box soles.

Cristian Copponi artisan shoe factory produces:

  • Sneakers.
  • Laced shoes.
  • Brogue and Derby shoes.
  • Mono and double buckle laced moccasins.
  • Ankle boots in real leather or synthetic materials and with leather sole or rubber bottom.
  • And also slippers, flip flops, beach and pool footwear

Moreover, the shoe factory produces environmentally sustainable shoes through a low-impact manufacturing, using environmentally friendly materials designed to be recyclable at the end of their life cycle. The alternative and eco-friendly materials used are entirely made in Italy.

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